My office building has a bathroom Nazi(s). Perhaps "Nazi" is too strong a word. But there's definitely a party of individuals who have organized themselves into some sort of ladies' room militia. In the bathroom upstairs, often times there are signs posted warning about the types of things that should not be thrown into the bathroom trash cans. It changes week by week. Sometimes a sign warns against throwing fried chicken bones in the trash. Other times its empty food containers, disposable silverware, you get the idea. Well, the sign just got changed a few days ago and went back to the generic request of, "Paper Towels Only Please."
Now, let me pause for a minute and detail the signs on all of the drinking fountains too, because that comes into play in this story. Above all of the drinking fountains are signs posted that say, "This drinking fountain is not a sink." Apparently, some people use the drinking fountain as a sink as clearly stated by the sign. Employees use them to rinse out cups, dispose of coffee grounds, do dishes after lunch. Maybe not that last one. But, okay. We get the point. Drinking fountains are for drinking.
We've also gotten reprimanded for throwing away cups and cans with liquid still in them.
Now back to the bathroom...
Yesterday, I was leaving work and I had a half full Panchero's cup on my desk from lunch. I stopped on the way out of the building to empty it out in the bathroom since I'm obviously not allowed to throw it away full or dump it out in the drinking fountain. Well, there I was in the bathroom with an empty paper cup and a trash can right in front of me. Sure, the sign on the trash can requested that I only use that particular trash can for paper towels but give me a break already. Does the bathroom militia really think I'm going to empty my cup out in the bathroom sink and then carry it down the hall to throw it away in a trash can that is apparently all purpose? No. I'm throwing it in the trash can that's within arms reach. It's a damn trash can!
So, that's what I did. This is what welcomed me this morning as a result:
Winter Wonderland At Stillestead
6 days ago
Man, I wish I had that much time on MY hands...and what kind of person sorts through the trash each night...
I don't know. It's ridiculous. The only reasonable thing I can come up with is that they recycle the paper towels and they don't want to dig garbage out of the recyclables. But if that's the case they should post a sign saying so. I'm much more willing to follow inane requests if it's for recycling rather than just some anal person telling me where I can and cannot throw away paper cups.
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