Sunday, May 17, 2009

Lazy Sunday

I woke up pretty early this morning, considering I ended up drunk off of Hoegaarden last night. You have to watch it with the Belgium beers apparently. They sneak up on you.

Two pints of Hoegaarden = Hello You're Drizzunk.

Matt's band played at a neighborhood block party type thing in Dundee last night. It was supposed to be the "Spring Fling" but it was like 40%deg; and everyone was wearing coats last night.

I got up this morning and repainted my office. I'll go ahead and admit that I'm really bad at picking out paint colors. The last color was dark gray, the current one is sea foam. The sea foam is a huge improvement. It's still questionable, but undeniably better.

I'm so proud of myself for beginning and finishing a project in one day. I rewarded myself for the accomplishment by ignoring some freelance work and watching TV in bed this evening. Ringo joined me. He was more interested in watching the neighbors than watching TV though.

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