Monday, September 29, 2008

Monday Morning

Monday mornings are nearly unbearable these days. The excitement of the wedding and honeymoon have passed and there's little to look forward to to help pass the time. So, I am now blogging aimlessly to waste time until lunch.

I got quite a bit of stuff done on my list this weekend, considering I couldn't walk on Sunday. Running a half marathon without training equals massive, massive pain. But oh the glory...

Left to do:

01. Call Cox and get a new cable box, cancel crazy expensive Stars channels
02. Get Matt new tires (awesome car-savvy bro-in-law is helping us with this)
03. Finish hanging the pile of curtains I bought (Involves power tools, a job for my manly husband)
04. Mop the whole house
05. Finish unboxing wedding gifts, find everything a home in the kitchen

I've found that staying in on Friday night is a good way to get things done off of my list, and it frees up Saturday and Sunday for slacking. Bonus points for still getting to drink at home while I do house work! I got laundry done and cleaned up the kitchen. I also baked some awesome cookies and cooked myself some terrible tacos. Even Taco Bell would have been a tastier and more authentic Mexican meal.

I also wanted to stay home Friday night to watch the presidential debate. Then, Matt got off work and we went for a quick drink later on. One thing I don't miss about San Francisco is how expensive drinks are. I think I paid $10 for an Absolute and cranberry in SF. I'm more than happy to be back at our neighborhood bar where a Boulevard and a Grey Goose costs $7.75.

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